The Genesis Community
statement of faith
Our life together is founded on Jesus, the Christ and Son of God. We desire to love Him, to follow Him, to obey His commandments, and to testify in word and deed to the coming of His kingdom here on earth. (John 1:1-14 and 14:6, Col 1:15-20, 1 Cor 3:11; Luke 6:47- 49, John 14:15, Rom 10:8-15, Matt 6:9-10)
Our faith is grounded in the Bible, the authoritative witness to the living Word of God. Through the Holy Spirit, we seek to be guided in all things by the Old and New Testaments. (Tim 3:14-17, Matt 5:17-19, Is 55:10-11, Luke 24:25-47, 2 Pet 1:19-21, Deut 6:4-9)
We hold to the teaching of the 10 commandments and the example of the early Christians, and affirm the apostolic rule of faith in the triune God as stated in the Apostles' and Nicene Creeds. (Acts 2:42-47, Eph 2:19-20, Matt 28:19)
Mission Statement:
To live intentionally together, giving of ourselves to create a close-knit, Jesus-centered community through commitments of faith, simplicity, and purity.
We desire a lasting, stable community that endures beyond any single house or individual, church or social circle. To live and serve together. We do this to support one another in our walks with Christ, preferring others above ourselves, and working collectively for the betterment of the greater community.
We do this because we are called to live out John 13:34-35: "A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."
Members at the Greenhouse
Lifestyle Commitment
Since the 6th century, Christian orders have been taking vows when entering community to direct how they live out the teachings of Jesus. These vows are known as the “Evangelical counsels”: obedience (faith), poverty (simplicity), and chastity (purity). In keeping with these early expressions of community, members commit to this lifestyle of faith, simplicity, and purity when entering the Genesis Community.
All residential members commit to active involvement in their church families, volunteering together weekly, and gathering together weekly for study and worship. Beyond these commitments there are practical things to be done such as chores, maintenance hours, and planning meetings.
We strive to live out the following values:
Forgiveness (conflict resolution, speaking the truth in love, humility)
Unity (preferring one another, respect, encouragement)
Honesty (healthy accountability, responsibility, vulnerability)
Faith (spiritual growth, Sabbath keeping, godliness)
Our other activities
change throughout the year and can include the following
Book studies
Prayer groups
Community service projects
National Night Out
Parties and weddings
Vacation Bible School
Concerts and movie nights
Intentional Community Gatherings
Prayer groups (Monday & Thursday mornings)
1:1 mentoring opportunities and other gatherings (Book studies)
Involvement in local church
Hosting visitors, as though hosting new friends
Special interest gatherings (art/craft nights, movie nights, worship nights)
Regular sharing of meals including an open Monday night potluck.
Mutual Support
Communal living for some
Sharing resources (time, tools, finances..)
Individuals operating in their gifts and specialized skills.
Future large projects and shared work (farm, employment opportunities)
Types of Membership in the community
Supporter – people in the greater community who want to participate in the dedicated rhythms of the GC
Board – people who are committed to being a guiding voice in the GC
Apprentice – People who want to try out common life together by moving into a GC home (one year or less.)
Partner – People who, after an apprenticeship, have made a commitment to active life in the community
Covenant – People who, after life as a partner, feel called to community long term (5+ years) and who are willing to commit significant time and effort into managing the assets and setting the direction of the community
We started in January 2003 as a community house seeking growth in a community context. Since this time we have expanded and a network has grown. As Genesis we hope be a support to the larger network of Christ centered community members in the metro area.